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GLG Graphics Server: AJAX Avionics Dashboard Demo

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JSP Servlet Source Code        ASP.NET Handler Source Code        Dynamic Image URL

This demo displays an avionics dashboard updated with real-time data using a JavaScript timer.

The dashboard is implemented as a single GLG drawing containing several avionic gauges. The drawing was created with the GLG Graphics Builder, an interactive graphical editor for creating real-time screens with dynamic graphics. The drawing is deployed on the web using the GLG Graphics Server.

The dashboard uses a few pre-built avionic gauges from the from the GLG's avionics widget set. The Graphics Builder may be used to customize the gauges or to build custom gauges from scratch.

The dashboard image of the requested size is generated on the server side using the GLG Graphics Server in the form of a JSP Servlet or an ASP.NET Handler. The Servlet or Handler loads the drawing and uses it to generate an image. The size of the image is specified using the width and height parameters of the URL. Click here to display the dashboard's URL directly to see its parameters.

The dashboard is updated with simulated real-time data provided by the Servlet or Handler on the server side. In an application, any custom data source may used. The same image URL may be used as a component in multiple web pages. JSP Servlet and ASP.NET Handler source code is provided and may be customized as required.

The Servlet or Handler loads the drawing just once and reuses it between all Servlet or Handler instances and threads. This increases performance and also ensures that all generated images display the same state of the monitored process.

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