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GLG Graphics Server: AJAX Dashboard Demo

Update Interval:
Click on the top graph to display selected values or move the mouse over it for tooltips.
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This AJAX demo demonstrates the thin-client server-side solution for displaying dynamic real-time graphics on a web page using the GLG Graphics Server. It is browser independent and may be used on any embedded or mobile device.

The GLG Graphics Server is deployed on the server with either JSP or ASP.NET. The client side uses industry-standard HTML and JavaScript (including HTML5).

The demo combines several individual dial and graph Servlets or Handlers to create a composite AJAX dashboard. Each Servlet or Handler uses its own real-time data feed and is updated independently.

Since each Servlet or Handler is self-contained, the same Servlet or Handler may be used on multiple web pages. Use the following links to see the individual demos demonstrating capabilities of each Servlet or Handler used in this dashboard:

The bar graph at the top of the dashboard demonstrates the Graphics Server's object selection capabilities. When a user moves the mouse over the graph's data sample, a tooltip showing a load of the selected server is displayed. When a user clicks on the graph's data sample, a dialog with the server load information for the selected month is activated.

Since the object selection is processed on the server side, with no image maps defined in HTML on the client side, the object selection works when the graph image is resized or the graph is updated with new data. The server-side processing of the selection scales to accommodate a large number of objects with no performance penalty associated with defining a large number of image maps in the browser.

The images of requested sizes are generated on the server side using the GLG Graphics Server in the form of a JSP Servlet or an ASP.NET Handler. The Servlet or Handler loads drawings created using the GLG Graphics Builder and uses the drawings to generate images. Prior to generating an image, the Servlet or Handler updates the drawings with real-time data.

Each Servlet or Handler loads its drawing only once and reuses it between all Servlet or Handler instances and threads for increased performance.

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